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Please join Bill Hollander on Wednesday, August 28, at 6:30 p.m. at the St. Matthews Library, 3940 Grandview Avenue. Special Guest is Wesley Sydnor with MSD to provide information on the Beargrass Creek Three Forks Study with the Army Corps of Engineers, and the Beargrass Creek Greenway. More on that exciting Three Forks Study announcement is in this LEO report and MSD News Release. Mr. Sydnor will also be available to answer any drainage questions. 


Lt. Alejandro Cabrera with LMPD’s 5th Division, who now oversees the LMPD beats in most of D9, will also be attending to introduce himself and address any crime related concerns.

As always with our regular D9 Community Conversations, I’ll be available to hear any comments, questions or suggestions on any topic. Please mark your calendar and join us – and bring along a friend or neighbor!


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