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Solicitation Certificate

How to verify that a solicitor is authorized.

The City of St. Matthews continually strives to keep the city safe in many ways, including the requirement that all solicitors within the city limits obtain a Solicitation Certificate. This allows city authorities to know that these solicitors represent legitimate businesses and what period of time they will be soliciting within the city.  Unfortunately, criminals sometime pose as solicitors to case the area for future crimes. Your assistance is vital in verifying that all solicitors are lawfully registered.

When a solicitor arrives at your door:

  1. Ask the solicitor to show their required St. Matthews Solicitation Certificate, along with their valid Jefferson County Clerk or Louisville Metro certificate. Each solicitor is required to have, and carry, these personal documents. A company’s business license does not meet this requirement. Persons under the age of sixteen (16) years are exempt

Please know that NO Solicitation is allowed before 9 a.m. or after 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday.  In addition, NO Solicitation is allowed within St. Matthews on any Sunday or National Holiday.

If no certificates can be produced as requested, follow these steps.

  1. Should the solicitor not produce the St. Matthews Solicitation Certificate and the Jefferson County Clerk or Louisville Metro certificate, request that the solicitor leave your property directly, and only return when they can produce the required documents.
  2. Immediately call the St. Matthews Police Department at 893-9000, sharing as much of the following description of the solicitor with the police dispatcher along with your street name. (Gender, Race, Physical Description, Clothing, what direction from your home they were headed, a possible vehicle.) A St. Matthews police officer will be dispatched to intercept the solicitor. They will verify the business, and inform the solicitor on what is required to solicit in St. Matthews.

By following these steps, you help in keeping your city and neighborhood safer.




Per City of St. Matthews ordinance 14-09, every person desiring to engage in soliciting in the City of St. Matthews, is required to obtain a City Certificate of Registration. Such certificate shall be carried by the solicitor and both this certificate and the County Clerk / Metro certificate shall be displayed upon request.

It is unlawful and constitutes a nuisance for any person, whether registered with a Solicitation Certificate or not, to go on to any premises and ring the doorbell or knock on any door or create any sound in any other manner calculated to attract the attention of the occupant of any residence, for the purpose of securing an audience with the occupant to engage in soliciting, prior to 9:00 a.m. or after 7:00 p.m. of any day of the week, or at any time on Sunday or on a state or national holiday.

This ordinance shall not apply to persons under the age of sixteen (16) years, or to any person exempted by Louisville Metro Ordinances.

Any occupant of a residence may place near his/her door a clearly visible notice such as “NO SOLICITORS INVITED.” Placement near the doorbell or the door-knocker shall be deemed adequate.

Application for a Certificate of Registration shall be made by the applicant presenting the original current valid Solicitation Permit issued by the Jefferson County Clerk or Louisville Metro. If not on the Jefferson County Clerk or Louisville Metro Certificate, the applicant shall furnish a current legible photograph of him/herself with a minimum size of 2” x 3.5”. In addition, if applicable, applicant is required to show proof of a City of St. Matthews Business License and Occupational Tax registration. An application fee of $5.00 is required at time of issue and payable by cash or check only.

The City shall issue a City Certificate of Registration based on the Jefferson County Clerk or Louisville Metro certificate.   A Jefferson County or Louisville Metro Certificate alone cannot authorize solicitation in the City of St. Matthews. The St. Matthews Certificate of Registration shall expire at the same time as the Jefferson County / Louisville Metro expires, provided, however, the maximum valid period of validity for a City of St. Matthews certificate is one year from its date of issue.

Business licenses are required for all businesses located in the City of St. Matthews and/or businesses coming into the City to conduct work. Each separate location is to apply for their individual licensing. Individuals working as employees for a business are not required to have a City of St. Matthews business licenses. For details about city business license click here.

All businesses located in the City of St. Matthews and/or coming into the city to conduct work, must register for an Occupation Tax account.  The City of St. Matthews has established by ordinance that all persons working within the City of St. Matthews are required to pay an occupational tax fee of .75% (3/4 of 1%) on gross wages and commissions earned in St. Matthews. All Occupational Tax withheld from employee wages are to be submitted to the City of St. Matthews quarterly.  Individuals working as employees for a St. Matthews licensed business are not required to register individually for an Occupational Tax account.  For details about city Occupation Tax click here.

It shall be the duty of every solicitor upon going onto any premises in the City, to first ensure that no notice has been posted by the resident. If the notice states: “No Solicitors Invited,” then the solicitor, whether registered or not, shall immediately and peacefully depart from the premises.

Any solicitor who has gained entrance to any residence, whether invited or not, shall immediately and peacefully depart from the premises when requested to do so by the occupant.

Any certificate of registration will be revoked if the holder of the certificate is convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of the ordinance, or has made a false material statement in the application, or otherwise becomes disqualified for the issuance of a certificate of registration under the terms of the ordinance. Immediately upon revocation the certificate of registration shall become null and void, and shall be surrendered to the City of St. Matthews. Likewise, the revocation of the Jefferson County/Metro certificate shall automatically revoke the City certificate.

To view the complete ordinance click here.

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