Green Up
The city has implemented a Green Up program to reduce the number of off-street parking pads within the public right-of-way. This activity will reduce the number of impervious surfaces and restore each to a natural vegetative surface; thus, decreasing surface water runoff and providing additional filtering of runoff water before entering the separate storm sewer systems. This program provides property owners wanting this service an easy and free solution.
At a property owner’s request, the City will “green up” a vehicle pull off area previously installed in the right-of-way area in front of a residential property. To have this FREE green up performed, the property owner must put the request in writing and submit the request to the attention of St. Matthews Public Works Director. Once the request is received, a review of the site will be made, and the Public Works Director will contact the property owner to arrange for the work to be done.
A City Works Department crew will remove the existing parking pad, haul away the material, backfill with topsoil, regrade the area, & then restore the disturbed area back to a vegetative state. The property owner is responsible for watering and properly maintaining the area.
Green up work is done as crews are available and during the grass growing season. Questions may be directed to Public Works at (502) 899-2517.
Example of an Approved Vehicle Pulloff
Vehicle pull-off (VPO) is any type of pad placed within the public right of way between the street and property line for the purpose of parking a vehicle.
Property owners wanting a VPO shall submit a complete Vehicle Pull Off Request form and provide the following information to the City of St. Matthews:
• A scaled drawing or map of the property frontage.
• Width of driveway serving property.
• Distance from street to sidewalk if one exists.
• Location of any drainage structures, utilities, trees and landscaping between street and property line.
• Proposed shape and size of pull-off.
• Statement of Need
Once the city receives the property owner’s statement of need and the required information, the City Engineer will evaluate the site for alternatives and the feasibility of installing a VPO. If the city concurs that a VPO is warranted and feasible, then the design and type of surface will be discussed with the property owner.
The city shall not approve the use of gravel or asphalt to construct a VPO. A VPO shall be constructed with concrete, stone, brick or a type of grid placed in the soil that permits grass to be maintained.
Questions about a VPO may be directed to the City Engineer at (502) 899-2518.