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Standing Committees

 Committee chairmen are appointed by the mayor and are responsible for investigation and review of their respective area of interest. All recommendations by the committee, requiring any action, are brought to the attention of the mayor and/or city council for approval.

Administration – Chairman Councilmember Amy Olson
                                Committee Member(s)  Councilmember Tim Holland 
Participates in reviewing Administration employee policy and procedures, along with office equipment rentals and purchases. 

Buildings  – Chairman Councilmember Amy Olson
                     Committee Member(s)  
Design and implementation of maintenance, upgrades, and improving structures of city buildings. Determines best application for space management.

Chamber – Chairman Councilmember Nathan Hernandez
                    Committee Member(s)  Mayor Rick Tonini
Participates in group meetings with the St. Matthews Chamber of Commerce, as a representative of the City of St. Matthews, to express on behalf of the city, collective city goals and objectives, as it pertains to the various subjects being discussed. 

Communications  –  Chairman Councilmember Mary Jo Nay
                                      Committee Member(s)  Councilmember Sarah Landes
Responsible for the production of the city newsletter, development and maintenance of the city website, Reach Alert protocol, production of city brochures and advertising, seasonal printings and annual publications.

Insurance  – Chairman Councilmember Frank Flynn
                        Committee Member(s)  Councilmember Sarah Landes
Responsible for investigation and recommendations for all types of city insurance programs, including Health, Dental, Workman’s Compensation, Life, Property, Causality and General Liability.

Parks  –  Chairman Councilmember 
                Committee Member(s)  Councilmember Bernie Bowling, Councilmember Frank Flynn,
                 Councilmember Mary Jo Nay 
Long and short range planning for city parks and green spaces throughout the city; effective maintenance for the purpose of enduring growth of city canopy and foliage; Insuring that recreational areas and equipment are updated as required for safety and enjoyment.

Planning & Zoning – Chairman Councilmember Nathan Hernandez
                                      Committee Member(s)  Councilmember Frank Flynn
Assist in reviewing zoning cases and related issues to be brought before the city council for consideration.

Police  –  Chairman Councilmember Bernie Bowling
                 Committee Member(s)  Councilmember Tim Holland
Review policies and procedures of the police department for formulation of recommendations for official approval by the City Council.

Public Works – Chairman Councilmember Bernie Bowling
                            Committee Member(s)
Review policies and procedures of the Public Works department for formulation of recommendations for official approval by the City Council.

Rental Committee – Chairman Councilmember Tim Holland
                                      Committee Member(s)  Councilmember Bernie Bowling,
                                      Councilmember Mary Jo Nay 
Review policy and procedures, establish rental rates and fees, recommend physical improvements to maintain value of each city owned rental property. 

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