The City of St. Matthews utilizes the yearly valuation figures provided by the Jefferson County Property Valuation Administration, (PVA), and also recognizes the Homestead Exemption available to property owners disabled or 65 years of age or older, provided the required documents are on file with the PVA. The homestead exemption rate is set by the Commonwealth of Kentucky and is equal to the rate utilized by the Jefferson County tax program.
The St. Matthews City Council has made every effort to establish and maintain a moderate ad valorem tax rate. For many years, the property tax rate has been reduced from $.25 to $.20 per $100 of assessed value. The city also offers a 40% discount to be given on all tax bills if paid on or before October 31. This annual reduction rate, along with the generous discount, gives the City of St. Matthews one of the lowest, if not the lowest, tax rate in the county.
Property taxes, for the City of St. Mathews, can be paid in person at city hall located at 3940 Grandview Avenue, between Breckenridge and Browns Lanes. The city offices are open Monday thru Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Fridays 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
All checks should show Property ID number or tax bill number and be made payable to City of St. Matthews. Property owners may remit the tax due by mailing to:
City of St. Matthews
PO Box 7097
Louisville, Ky. 40257-0097
Your remittance must be postmarked by the required dates, listed on your property tax bill, to qualify for any discounts or to avoid any penalty or interest.
QUESTIONS: Telephone the City of St. Matthews Property Tax Department at (502) 899-2511.
Pay Property Taxes Online
Click on the Pay Online link, located at the top of this page in the blue banner. There is no need to register or login to an account, just simply enter the property address, tax bill number, or PIDN shown on the city tax bill. We trust that our new service will be a benefit to you.