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Signs in City right-of-ways being removed.

The city respects your right to post signs on your property. However, the City of St. Matthews is removing all signs, political or otherwise, found to be placed in City of St. Matthews right-of-way’s as dictated by city ordinance.  This includes the right-of-way...

Police National Night Out August 6

National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law...

Ethics Meeting

St. Matthews Ethics Committee MeetingThursday, June 13, 202410:00 a.m.2nd Floor Conference RoomSt. Matthews City Hall3940 Grandview Avenue 1) Call the meeting to Order      a) Overview of 2024 Financial Disclosures 2) Adjournment Questions: Contact...

Caucus Meeting

ST. MATTHEWS CITY COUNCILCAUCUS MEETINGTuesday, March 18, 2025 St. Matthews City Hall3rd Floor Conference Room5:00 p.m. 1. Discussion of the upcoming City’s 75th Celebration  ...

Special Meeting

2024-2025 City of St. MatthewsMunicipal Aid Program (MAPS) Annual BudgetPublic Hearing AgendaJune 25, 2024 Call the meeting to order Proposed Budget: $844,200...

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